Weight Lifting Tips For Beginners
If you’re just starting to work out for the first time, congratulations! You’re taking the first steps down a path to a stronger body, better health, and a higher quality of life. As you start making regular appearances at the gym or on your running route, trainers, workout enthusiasts and well-wishers will probably provide you with plenty of advice and weight lifting tips. As this happens, keep an open mind, separate hype from common sense, and discriminate based on what works for you. Remember, while the best weight lifting tips apply to almost everyone, our bodies are still unique. Some weightlifting tips work well for some and not as well for others. With that in mind, consider the following.
Weight Lifting Tips
- Protect your knees, shoulders, and back. Don’t overstrain these areas, and immediately stop any move that causes pain, pinching or tingling. One avoidable injury can undo months of progress, so be bold, but smart.
- Enjoy the process. How do you feel at the end of your workout? If you’re like most of us, the answer is fantastic. No matter how tough the middle may be, stay strong through to the end and enjoy the feeling of well-being and accomplishment that comes from pushing yourself to your limits. There’s no better long term motivator.
- Choose the right gear. Comfortable clothes, well designed shoes, and proper hand protection can mean the difference between great and mediocre results. It can also mean the difference between a fun, sustainable workout routine and an unpleasant chore. Everything, including your hand protection, should be durable, breathable and moisture-wicking.
- Surround yourself with support. If you feel sensitive to criticism, work out privately for a while to protect yourself while you build a strong foundation. Otherwise, choose workout partners who build you up, and make sure you give them back the same level of energy and encouragement.