You are well into your workout routine and starting to see results, but then an unexpected hand injury or condition such as a blister, callus or abrasian occurs. What should you do? You certainly don’t want to stop your progress so protecting your hands is key to your success.
Change Your Grip
Blisters and calluses occur from the repetitive friction between your hands and the bar. A painful blister or callus can halt your workout mid-flow if you’re not careful. One weight lifting hand protection tip we recommend to take the pressure off painful bumps is to change your grip.
For instance, instead of using an overhand grip with your fingers on the opposite side of the bar than your thumb, move your thumb to the same side. Use caution as this grip may not be as stable for you, but it will reduce the pressure on your hands. You can also adjust your grip from a palms-down position to palms-up. This way, you are also changing the way the muscles are used which helps to stimulate more growth.
Use Body Weight Exercises
When suffering from a hand condition such as an abrasion or severely dry skin, make the switch from machines and free weights to body weight exercises. You’ll be surprised at the pump you feel when you perform one-armed push-ups to strengthen your upper-body. Or, a single-arm dip to make those triceps pop. Your hands will enjoy the time to heal and your muscles will respond with improvements.
Hand issues such as blisters and calluses are a common occurrence with weight lifters, and no one knows that better than the people at West Point. Their weight lifting tips include carefully filing down your calluses to reduce your discomfort and then applying a strong moisturizer such as petroleum jelly. Another suggestion is to keep your nails trimmed to avoid digging them into your palms during exercise. Always wash and dry your hands completely before and after your workout session to reduce the chance of infection in an abrasion or open blister.
Wear Gloves
The easiest way to protect your hands is to wear weight lifting gloves. Gloves such as the Gripad Elite, provide a barrier between your hands and whichever exercise tool you use. From barbells and dumbbells to kettlebells and pull-up bars, you have freedom of movement when you wear gloves, and you won’t have to worry about hurting your hands. Your choice of glove is a personal one, just remember to be sure it covers the areas on your hands that are prone to calluses and blisters.